Young entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders who changed the world!

The inspiring stories of young entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders who changed the world The world is full of problems, but also full of solutions. Some of the most creative and impactful solutions come from young people who have a vision, a passion, and a determination to make a difference. These young entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders are not only making money, but also making history. They are changing the world for the better with their ideas, products, and services. Here are some of their inspiring stories.

Young entrepreneurs who created successful businesses.

Hart Main

Hart Main was 13 years old when he came up with the idea of manly scented candles after teasing his sister about the girly scented ones she was selling for a school fundraiser.

Hart Main was 13 years old when he came up with the idea of manly scented candles after teasing his sister about the girly scented ones she was selling for a school fundraiser. He started his business, ManCans, with a small investment from his parents and himself. He partnered with a local candle company that employed developmentally disabled workers to make his candles using soup cans. His candles have scents like Campfire, Bacon, Sawdust, and Grandpa’s Pipe. He sells them online and in stores across the country. He also donates part of his profits to soup kitchens in four states.

Kamaria Warren

Kamaria Warren was seven years old when she and her mom, a graphic designer, went shopping for birthday invitations for her party.

Kamaria Warren was seven years old when she and her mom, a graphic designer, went shopping for birthday invitations for her party. They couldn’t find any products that represented Brown and Black girls. So they decided to create their own line of products for girls of color. They launched Brown Girls’ Stationery, which offers stationery, vegan bags, and accessories featuring diverse and empowering images of girls. Kamaria also runs an online magazine called Brown Girls’ Style that showcases fashion, beauty, and culture for girls like her.

Ryan Hickman

Ryan Hickman was three years old when he realized he didn't like the sight of discarded bottles lying on the ground.

Ryan Hickman was three years old when he realized he didn’t like the sight of discarded bottles lying on the ground. He started collecting his family’s and his neighbor’s recyclables and taking them to a recycling center. He soon turned his passion into a business, Ryan’s Recycling Company. He has recycled over one million cans and bottles and earned over $100,000 from his business. He also sells T-shirts with his logo and donates part of his income to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, an organization that rescues and rehabilitates marine animals.

Young innovators who developed life-changing solutions.

Vinusha MK

Vinusha MK is a 14-year-old girl from India who loves baking.

Vinusha MK is a 14-year-old girl from India who loves baking. She started her own bakery business called Four Seasons Pastry when she was nine years old. She makes cakes, cookies, chocolates, and other treats using natural ingredients and no preservatives. She also teaches baking to other kids in her community. Her aim is to set up a cooking school for the underprivileged and empower them with culinary skills.

Victoria Alonsoperez

Victoria Alonsoperez is a 28-year-old engineer from Uruguay who founded IEETech, a social enterprise that developed Chipsafer.

Victoria Alonsoperez is a 28-year-old engineer from Uruguay who founded IEETech, a social enterprise that developed Chipsafer, a startup that tracks and early detects anomalies in cattle health remotely and autonomously. She came up with the idea after witnessing a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak that devastated livestock farmers in her country. Her innovation uses wearable devices that monitor cattle behavior and location using GPS and send alerts to farmers via SMS or web platforms. She has won several awards for her invention and has expanded her business to other countries in Africa and Asia.

Rainier Mallol

Rainier Mallol is a 25-year-old computer scientist from the Dominican Republic who created AIME.

Rainier Mallol is a 25-year-old computer scientist from the Dominican Republic who created AIME (Artificial Intelligence in Medical Epidemiology), a platform that uses artificial intelligence to predict and prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases such as dengue fever, Zika virus, malaria, and COVID-19. His platform analyzes data from satellite images, climate patterns, population density, health records, and social media to generate risk maps that show where and when an outbreak is likely to occur. His platform has been used by governments and health organizations in 20 countries to save lives and resources.

Young leaders who made a positive impact.

Bonnie Chiu

Bonnie Chiu is a 23-year-old social entrepreneur from Hong Kong who co-founded Lensational, a non-profit social enterprise that aims to empower marginalized women.

Bonnie Chiu is a 23-year-old social entrepreneur from Hong Kong who co-founded Lensational, a non-profit social enterprise that aims to empower marginalized women by equipping them with cameras and photography training. She believes that photography can be a tool for self-expression, storytelling, and social change. She has taught photography to over 400 women in 12 developing countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Cambodia. She also helps them sell their photos online or exhibit them in galleries to generate income and raise awareness about their issues.

Mikey Wren

Mikey Wren is a 12-year-old boy from the U.S. who teaches financial literacy to kids in his community.

Mikey Wren is a 12-year-old boy from the U.S. who teaches financial literacy to kids in his community. He learned about money management from his parents, who are both entrepreneurs, and decided to share his knowledge with his peers. He has written two books on financial literacy, “Financially Savvy Kids” and “Financially Savvy Teens”, which cover topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. He also runs workshops, webinars, and podcasts to educate and inspire other kids to become financially savvy.

Jaden Smith

Jaden Smith is a 22-year-old actor, rapper, and activist from the U.S. who co-founded Just Water.

Jaden Smith is a 22-year-old actor, rapper, and activist from the U.S. who co-founded Just Water, a company that sells ethically sourced spring water in plant-based bottles and cartons. He also co-founded 501CTHREE, a non-profit organization that uses art and technology to address environmental and social issues. One of their projects is the Water Box, a mobile filtration system that provides clean water to communities affected by water contamination or scarcity. They have deployed Water Boxes in Flint, Michigan, Newark, New Jersey, and The Bahamas.

These young entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders are proof that age is no barrier to changing the world. They have shown courage, creativity, and compassion in pursuing their dreams and solving real-world problems. They have also inspired others to follow their footsteps and make a difference. They are the role models for the next generation of changemakers.

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